5 Months of Liv
I cannot get over how much more I have fallen in love with this baby girl! I didn't think it was possible but watching her grow and develop into this amazing little person is captivating my heart!
This month has brought so many more milestones... there are times where I wish that I could freeze time just to soak in all that is happening in Liv's precious life!
This month she learned to:
eat solid foods
roll over... even though she doesn't quite know how to control when this happens
behave in the church nursery... finally (;
army crawl in a circle... she just goes round and round
hold her bottle... with our help
she is much more interested in toys this month
grip onto a golf club... Jarryd wants to start her early
roll over... even though she doesn't quite know how to control when this happens
behave in the church nursery... finally (;
army crawl in a circle... she just goes round and round
hold her bottle... with our help
she is much more interested in toys this month
grip onto a golf club... Jarryd wants to start her early
Her favorite things this month:
Brinkley... of course (:
her hands... particularly her right one
her feet... again... the right one is her favorite
anything she can chew on
organic oatmeal
sleep... we are pretty lucky with this one
car rides
her Wubbanub paci
empty water bottles
being in the kitchen... wonder why? (;
her sophie giraffe
rolling over... even though she hates it when she does
people... glad this shifted... last month she hated them ):
to kick her legs on the floor
her swing
the Jesus Story Book Bible
the iPhone... it has already begun
the song her Daddy wrote for her
burp cloths
her bouncy swing
the vacuum
her new bottles
her nap nanny
to scream and squeal
to pinch
Brinkley... of course (:
her hands... particularly her right one
her feet... again... the right one is her favorite
anything she can chew on
organic oatmeal
sleep... we are pretty lucky with this one
car rides
her Wubbanub paci
empty water bottles
being in the kitchen... wonder why? (;
her sophie giraffe
rolling over... even though she hates it when she does
people... glad this shifted... last month she hated them ):
to kick her legs on the floor
her swing
the Jesus Story Book Bible
the iPhone... it has already begun
the song her Daddy wrote for her
burp cloths
her bouncy swing
the vacuum
her new bottles
her nap nanny
to scream and squeal
to pinch
Things she hates this month:
her 4 month shots
to be tired
to be hungry
to not be the center of attention
when Daddy puts his sunglasses on her
milk that is not the perfect temperature
when Brinkley leaves the room
when we put clothes on her
swimming... I think the water was too cold ):
to be tired
to be hungry
to not be the center of attention
when Daddy puts his sunglasses on her
milk that is not the perfect temperature
when Brinkley leaves the room
when we put clothes on her
swimming... I think the water was too cold ):
Things that make her laugh:
Daddy exercising... I am with her on this one
goofy faces
when you tickle under her chin
when you kiss her tummy
peek a boo
Daddy exercising... I am with her on this one
goofy faces
when you tickle under her chin
when you kiss her tummy
peek a boo
Her sizes this month:
size 3 diapers
6 months in clothes
she weighs 16 pounds
6 months in clothes
she weighs 16 pounds
New places she has been:
Central Market
Pei Wei
the mall
Corner Bakery
Ken and Cindy's pool
(apparently we love to go out to eat?!)
Pei Wei
the mall
Corner Bakery
Ken and Cindy's pool
(apparently we love to go out to eat?!)
Here are some of my favorite pics from this month:
holding a golf club... a very proud moment for Daddy
she loves her burp cloths... and sleep
napping in her nap nanny
playing in her nap nanny
best friends
helping daddy at work
true statement
after her 4 month shots :(
torturing Brinkley... they both have a love of water bottles
her first 4th of July
her Independence Day attire
the first time we fed her solid foods... got more on her face than in her tummy
she is fascinated with Starbucks cups... girl after our own heart
she is obsessed with Brinkley
I love her eyes :)
shopping at Central Market
kicking Brinkley her ball
she started crying right after this picture
she finally fits in the onesie I made her
they both look guilty of something
Cannot believe we are on our way to 6 months... Craziness!!
holding a golf club... a very proud moment for Daddy
she loves her burp cloths... and sleep
napping in her nap nanny
playing in her nap nanny
best friends
helping daddy at work
true statement
after her 4 month shots :(
torturing Brinkley... they both have a love of water bottles
her first 4th of July
her Independence Day attire
the first time we fed her solid foods... got more on her face than in her tummy
she is fascinated with Starbucks cups... girl after our own heart
she is obsessed with Brinkley
I love her eyes :)
shopping at Central Market
kicking Brinkley her ball
she started crying right after this picture
she finally fits in the onesie I made her
they both look guilty of something
Cannot believe we are on our way to 6 months... Craziness!!
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