More New Mommy Must Haves
Here are a few more of my favorites!
1. Baby Jogger City Mini Stroller This stroller is amazing! We bought an extra attachment that allows our car seat to fit on for when she is a newborn. It is super lightweight and folds up so easily! I absolutely love it! It actually makes me want to go jogging... almost (;
2. Wipe Warmer At first I thought this was a little high maintenance for baby Foreman so we didn't register for one. After Liv arrived I quickly changed my mind! The first night I put a cold wipe on her butt and it resulted in traumatic screaming I found myself at Target the next day with one of these in my basket. I have to say it has made a huge difference!
3. Diaper Dekor Plus I originally regisitered for a diaper genie because that is what I saw most at baby showers but I after reading several mommy blogs I decided to try this one. I have no idea how it compares to the diaper genie but I absolutely love it! It is so easy to use and it keeps all the odors out of Liv's pretty nursery! Also, it converts to a regular trash can for later in life when we are no longer changing a dozen diapers a day!
4. Medela Nipple Shields Ok... for all my nursing moms out there who know the painstaking task of learning to breast-feed this product is a lifesaver! I had a lot of trouble in the beginning mainly with the soreness, I would literally begin crying before Liv even started to nurse. A good friend of mine recommended nipple shields right as I was contemplating giving up. My sweet husband ran to Walmart that very night and once I tried it I cried again... this time tears of joy! I use the small size because Liv's mouth was so tiny when she was born. Make sure you get the right size because that makes all the difference. I had tried the medium size in the hospital and Liv wouldn't take it.
5. Pacifier Wipes These are just plain handy once you start taking your little one out in public. Those pacifiers seem to have a mind of their own and always wind up on the floor. I keep one of these packs in Liv's diaper bag at all times.
6. Baby Dish Soap We learned real quickly that the Dawn soap we were using to wash all of Liv's bottles and stuff was upsetting her. The soap was highly scented and it seemed to bother Liv a lot. I switched to an unscented baby dish soap and noticed a big difference! I love Babyganics and the Babies R Us brand!
7. Pocket Nanny I had no idea how much I would love this product! It keeps track of how long its been between diaper changes, feedings, how long baby has been napping, and also which breast you fed from last. I didn't actually think I would need it, it seemed pretty over the top to me. However, once sleep deprivation set in and I no longer knew even what day it was much less which breast I fed from last I started using it. I now use it all day everyday and love it!

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