Letters for Landry
Dearest Landry,
This month you will be 2.... TWO years old! They say time flies when you're having fun... and life with you is a Disneyland ride that has rushed by before my eyes. I want to write you letters from time to time to share my heart, my wonderful memories of you, and some words of wisdom along the way... I hope you will cherish them one day like I cherish you.
Lets start with you. You are a treasure. Your heart is bigger than the moon and you have a smile to match it. You love people ferociously, and people love you with an equal devotion. You love to hold my hand wherever we go and you squeeze it so tightly as if you are holding on for dear life. But I love it. You are fiercely protective of those you love, especially your Mommy. You exude caution but deep down I can see adventure in your eyes. When I look at you I can see a dreamer who is passionate about everything he does.
Music and touch are your love languages. Where there is music, there is Landry. It's the only thing that stops you in your tracks as you drink it in, captivated by the power and awe it creates. You are little but you command an audience like a giant. You are loud and animated but tender and sweet in the same breath. You are creative and sensitive. You speak your own language but for those of us who are lucky enough to speak "Windry" we are blessed by your little revelations and discoveries.
You move too fast for my camera to capture but I catch your spirit in every blurred image.
I adore the rosy apples of your cheeks and how they are a sandwich with your eyebrows, devouring your eyes in between them as you smile. I love your ears, I love your laugh, I love the way you give "Shoogs" (kisses). I love the way you scrunch your manly nose when you're trying to figure something out. You dance to the beat of your own heart and it entertains the masses. You are created by God, for God and I pray that someday, in Him, you will move mountains.
Never lose your love of people. To love and serve others, putting their needs above your own is where you will find the most freedom and joy out of life.
Try not to be afraid of people just because they're different than you. We currently live in Austin, Texas... a place where "weird" people live.
But can I let you in on a little secret?
You're weird too.
We all are... How awesome is that?
Embrace your uniqueness and learn to love people no matter what they look like. What a boring life it would be if you only surrounded yourself with people who looked and thought just like you. My hope and prayer for this powerful unconditional love is that with it, you will be able to share the love of Jesus with anyone God puts in your path.
Never stop dreaming. When you get older, there will be a tendency to suppress any childlike aspirations due to this thing we call "practicality." Practicality is cancer to dreams. Dream big and pray for God to reveal His heart and plan for these dreams to you. He may want you to surrender them at His feet so you can get more of Him. That's ok... Jesus is better. Or He may want to make them a reality so you can get more of Him. Jesus is still better. But either way, dream away and share those dreams with the One who planted the dreams in your heart in the first place.
You are an amazing little person Landry Reid. Words cannot describe how much we love you and how thankful we are to have you in our lives. Happy Birthday month and thanks for being you!
Love always,
Dearest Landry, This month you will be 2.... TWO years old! They say time flies when you're having fun... and life with you is...