5 Months of Landry
This month he learned to:
roll over from his back to his tummy
to sleep on his tummy
he is trying so hard to sit up already
stick his butt up in the air
move around on his tummy
swing in the swing set outside
New milestones:
rolling is mastered
finally getting hair... love his blonde peach fuzz
right now I am predicting his eye color to be brown or hazel
New places he has been this month:
The Village Church
His favorite things this month:
his hands
his feet (especially if he is wearing socks)
sophie giraffe
taggie toys
BOTTLES (Praise the Lord)
to be tickled
to hold mommy's fingers
his Daddy
to drool
his blankets
holding on to mommy's shirt while he nurses
to grab Liv's hair (she does not like this)
to be talked to
to throw up on Daddy
to splash in the bath tub
to be held
to be kissed
his vibrating chair
his bouncy swing
car rides
playtime on his mat
to smile
to laugh
for Liv to pay attention to him
to play peekaboo
his bumbo seat
his family
his elephant
to eat EVERY 2 hours
to wiggle and squirm
Things he hates this month:
to be tired
to be hungry
the vacuum
there is not very much that he hates
His sizes this month:
size 3 in diapers
6-9 months in clothes
Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month:
they are already best friends!
Liv loves to help Landry with tummy time

can't get enough of that smile!
can you tell they're related?
I have a feeling Liv will be doing this to him a lot!
he loves his MiMi!
daddy time :)
love our family!
watching daddy install new floors
we love to go on walks!
swinging with daddy at the park!
watching Sesame Street with Liv
Landry is truly a joy in our lives! He has the ability to brighten even the worst of days! People are always asking me if they can keep him, to which I respond... Absolutely NOT! Head over heels in love with this little guy!
This month he learned to: roll over from his back to his tummy to sleep on his tummy he is trying so hard to sit up already stick...