This month he learned to:
pull up on all fours (will be crawling in no time)
move around several feet even though he can't crawl yet
almost sitting up on his own
eat oatmeal
New places he has been:
Dallas Farmers Market
Gentle Zoo
New milestones this month:
took a road trip to Houston
got dedicated to the Lord at Church
Celebrated his first Halloween
went to the gentle zoo
started solids
learned to scoot around
sits at the dinner table in his highchair
His favorite things this month:
when Daddy talks to him
anything he can chew on
the windshield wipers
to chunch
Liv's hair
to swing outside
his grandparents (who spoil him already)
BeBe and ShaSha
Uncle Nitch
to be held
to be talked to
sophie giraffe
wubbanub pacis (really just to hold and chew on)
to roll around
to go with the flow
his friend baby Elleigh
his feet
his hands
to be sung to
to kick his legs
car rides
walks in a stroller
the verdict is still out on oatmeal
burp cloths
his play mat
Barbara Wood
when Liv plays with him
to smile
to laugh
to squeal
to drool
his bouncy swing
to be tickled
to spit up on a clean shirt
Liv's hand-me-down toys :/
Things he hates this month:
6 month shots
pumpkin outfits that his mean mommy makes him take pictures in
the church nursery
loud noises
to be up past bed time
time changes
when he bumps his head on his crib
His sizes this Month:
size 3 in diapers
6-12 months in clothes
16 pounds 8 ounces (50%)
26.25 inches long (50%)
his head is 42.3 cm (50%)
Here are some of my favorite pictures from this month:

Pumpkin festivities
already a Momma's Boy!
riding with sissy
bouncing boy!
my 3 kids!
sibling rivalry has begun
Daddy mistakenly thought Landry was luggage
sitting at the table like a big boy!
Liv thought he needed a few toys...
walks at the park
the first of many involuntary dress up parties...
Target trips are a little stressful but oh so cute!
celebrating Landry's baby dedication with our family!
6 month shots :(
eating solids... finally
Gentle Zoo
the resemblance is uncanny!
This was probably his least favorite photo shoot :(
By the time I write his next blog post I'm sure he will be crawling! Can't get over how fast time flies with kids :( This little man is such a blessing to our family, he wakes up smiling and hardly ever stops. It makes it almost impossible to have a bad day thanks to his amazing joyful personality!
This month he learned to: pull up on all fours (will be crawling in no time) move around several feet even though he can't craw...